Part #: KNU
The Tethrd Knushion is a user friendly knee cushion. Saddle hunters have been using knee protection for years. Some hunters like knee pads, some like seat cushions strapped to the tree. Until now there’s never been a commercially available knee cushion for saddle hunters.
We worked with Justin Oosterbaan to design this version of the Knushion. It’s a sleek, simple knee cushion that installs in seconds without adding unnecessary weight or bulk to your pack. The Knushion hits the sweet spot of comfort and packability. We built the Knushion with ultra-strong and durable RhinoSkin fabric that grips your knees and resists wear.
It doesn’t matter if you prefer knee pads, or knee cushions. Our crew actually uses both. What really matters is now you have options. The Knushion is another tool to help you become a more efficient, comfortable, and light weight saddle hunter.