New Zealand Clover Plus 9 Lb
Part #: 8309
Few plants are more effective at attracting whitetail and turkey than clover. Use Clover Plus — a perennial blend of New Zealand Red and White clovers with extremely successful varieties of chicory — and you turn that attraction into an obsession. BioLogic New Zealand clover has been genetically developed to produce larger, more succulent leaves and thinner stems for higher nutritional value and improved digestibility. The chicory provides appealing forage during critical months of whitetail growth and development. Both clover and chicory are extremely hardy and drought-resistant, yielding consistent production through the hot months of summer. It’s a combination of high nutrition, delicious taste and robust growth that deer can’t resist and nature can’t beat.
How to Plant Clover Plus is best planted by spreading on a well-prepared seedbed at 9 lbs. per acre, then using a cultipacker to cover the seed. Broadcasting on a well-prepared seedbed just prior to rain also produces an excellent stand — the rain serves to bury the seed the appropriate depth (1/4 inch) and ensures adequate soil moisture for germination. Disking is not a recommended method of covering the seed as it would bury the seed too deep for germination. 5 lbs. per acre is recommended for existing perennial stands.
When to Plant In the south, plant Clover Plus in early fall, as soon as soil moisture is sufficient for seed germination. Spring planting isn’t recommended; frequent summer drought conditions could limit root growth. In the north, plant Clover Plus in the spring when soil temperature is 50° or higher and soil moisture is sufficient. Fall planting isn’t recommended; frost may occur before root systems are established. This blend can also be frost-seeded in the spring.
Seed Content: New Zealand Red and White clovers, chicory
Canadian Planting Zone: Not listed by manufacturer
North Planting Zone: Spring
Transitional Planting Zone: Spring, Late Summer
South Planting Zone: Late Summer, Fall
Seeding Rate: 9 lbs per acre
Planting Depth: 1/4 Inch or less
Fertilizer Recommendations: 0-20-20 fertilizer @ 300-400 lbs/acre